Welcome to TurboVersion documentation. Turbo Version is a universal solution for managing package versions (MONOREPO or NOT) and releasing packages. It provides a set of tools and utilities that simplify versioning and releasing packages for monorepo projects.
When working with monorepos or common repos, managing package versions can be a challenging task if you want to automate the process based on thr changes in the packages, by commit messages or branch names. Turbo Versions aims to simplify the process of managing package versions by providing two options for versioning; by commit messages or by branch names.
To get started, you can install TurboVersion by running the following command:
npm install -g @turbo-version/version
You can also use npx
to run TurboVersion without installing it:
npx @turbo-version/version
provides a set of CLI commands to manage package versions.
Here’s an example of how to use the turbo-version -bump
npx @turbo-version/version -bump major/minor/patch/premajor/preminor/prepatch/prerelease
This command will bump the major version of all packages in the repo.